Upcoming Pondering

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 06

Today’s cat is my cat, Xavier. He’s adorable.

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Spending Time

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 05

Today’s cat is Precious, presented to me by Melissa A. Bartell, aka The Bathtub Mermaid. Precious is a lioness at the Fort Worth Zoo, raised in captivity. Yay for big cats.

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Live Action Cutscenes

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 04

Today’s “cat” is brought to you by Mary Harris. There, proof I’m not doggist.

We’re talking about some retro gaming gold, the joys of the era of Live Action Video in game cutscenes. Oh the early 90’s, you were such fun.

Some examples of the wonder from that era (Warning some of these are horror games):

7th Guest, 11th hour,
Riven (Myst’s Sequel),
Rendezvous With Rama,
The Journeyman Project

Zelda’s Adventure Ep 1 from Game Grumps – The video that inspired the topic.

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Getting Back to Work

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 03

Today’s cat is brought to you by Brand and Allison Gamblin. Jump over to Strax the Cat’s Facebook page for more awesome kitty goodness.

We’re talking about editing and the book project today. Let’s get this over with so we can get back to work.

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Cat Days of Podcasting

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 02

For the fun of it, I’m in “not-so-silent” rebellion against the Dog part of DDoP. Mostly cause I’m a cat person and thought it would be a fun side project to post cool pictures of my friends’ cool pets and other kitties they dig. Today’s cats come to us from my friend Ashabellanar, a member of the group of Final Fantasy XIV gamers I talked a great deal about last year. A bit of a collage to make up for resolution, but hey, what’s wrong with extra cats?

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

I Use A Music Bed To Hide My Bad Audio

Dog Days Of Podcasting 2017

Episode 01

It has begun!

Download the episode here

DDoP is a celebration of podcasting started by Kreg Steppe to get himself back into the podcasting groove. He had a bunch of cool folks who wanted to jump back in to and here we are six years later doing it again. It’s fun, it’s a blast, and you really should go over to dogdaysofpodcasting.com to read his much better description of the work. While you’re there check out the other shows taking part in the challenge, sign up for the challenge itself (nothing wrong starting a little behind), and give folks some feedback on the coolness they provide.

Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Dog Days Of Podcasting 12 Religion and Manta Bound Gods

The Dog Days of Podcasting for 2016 is live! Check out the participants list for more!

This month we’re presenting the lore for the elfpunk meets cyberpunk setting, Draco Artifactium. I have a lot of fun working on the writing for this project and I’m looking forward to sharing this world with everyone.

Today we’re talking about the religions of Manta, and the deities that call this world home.

Download the episode here

The music for the 2016 Dog Days of Podcasting project is “Cyber Punked,” from the album Psychobabble by  The Alien Mike ET, provided by Magnatune.com. Used under license.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Late July/Early August Status Updates

In this episode we review part of July, part of August, and where I am with the Dog Days of Podcast

Topic 8/23/2016

  • Behind on Dog Days
    • Where I spent my time
  • Hiddengrid stuff and new hardware
  • loving this year’s Dog Days

Download the episode here

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Dog Days Of Podcasting 11 Governments of the World

The Dog Days of Podcasting for 2016 is live! Check out the participants list for more!

This month we’re presenting the lore for the elfpunk meets cyberpunk setting, Draco Artifactium. I have a lot of fun working on the writing for this project and I’m looking forward to sharing this world with everyone.

Today we’re talking about the governments of Manta and what makes up their systems of organization.

Download the episode here

The music for the 2016 Dog Days of Podcasting project is “Cyber Punked,” from the album Psychobabble by  The Alien Mike ET, provided by Magnatune.com. Used under license.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.

Dog Days Of Podcasting 10 Death Magic

The Dog Days of Podcasting for 2016 is live! Check out the participants list for more!

This month we’re presenting the lore for the elfpunk meets cyberpunk setting, Draco Artifactium. I have a lot of fun working on the writing for this project and I’m looking forward to sharing this world with everyone.

Today we’re talking about the downside to magic, it’s cost to life and limb, and what artifacts provide in terms of power and price.

Download the episode here

The music for the 2016 Dog Days of Podcasting project is “Cyber Punked,” from the album Psychobabble by  The Alien Mike ET, provided by Magnatune.com. Used under license.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Don’t forget to support the show. Share the episode, join our patreon, or just leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you. Questions about the podcast? Email me at contact@jsamueldiehl.com with Hiddennode in the title.