In 2006 the gaming group ran a private server of a certain popular MMO. Running the game with a small group was a lovely experience that slowly decayed through a loss of developmental focus.
I started using the handle nulloperations in the fall of 2005. I picked the name when I started to play the Half-Life 2 Mod Dystopia. TIme in this group was a mix of wide eyed optimism that became group elitism that helped the game become less and less popular. The reaction to the large gaming community Tactical Gamer helped show off just how much the Dys community pushed away new players who could have helped keep the game alive.
The back third of 2005 was a mix of emotions, connections, and life altering craziness. Today’s episode covers the in real life part of those months, and how gaming connections affected those times.
The Specialist RP was the lynch pin to the community I keep now. It’s the birth place of my friendship to David Drury, and the mad cat crazies that followed in the wake of that friendship.
I forgot to mention in the episode how much the main The Specialist community didn’t care for the RP community. Always was a funny point of contention that really showed off just how young the community was.
Getting into The Sims Online started me off in getting into long term community commitment. The 2002 game sparked the eventual long term goal of getting into online communities.
Buying the xbox when I did may have been the biggest financially irresponsible thing I did in my young adult years. It was only the tip of the iceberg of things I screwed up during the early 2000’s.
Today we start a more personal look at the world of gaming and it’s impact on my life. We’re starting in 2001/2002 and I gotta warn you the next couple of episodes cover a time in my life I’m not happy with.
The Playstation was a fun system to check out. Seeing the first real contender post the Nintendo Vs. Sega Console Wars in action was a cool experience. It was also the first game console that wasn’t a gift to one of us kids. Lyle bought it himself with his money and that seemed to make it that much cooler.
Check out Rooster Teeth’s Achievement Hunter group in a great console shooter, Titan Fall.
Archivist’s notes: CAUTION,this video contains a certain someone from AH that at the time when this DDoP entry was made, was not known for their actions they would take in the years to come. We are not naming him, and are only including this video for the sense of posterity in the original posting. I do not encourage you to watch this or any other video in which AH might make money off of this individual’s presence now or ever.