Episode 4 – Tossing Out An Old Drug

In Episode 4, I talk about the aftermath of my choice Sunday night, and the primary feelings for giving up my video game lust.

It’s a short episode. I’m also removing these from the top ticker going forward, except for “Important” episodes. These casual daily ones have value to me, but I don’t think they’re as big of value as some of the posts that should dominate my top banner.

Download the episode here.

NaNoWriMo 2011 006

4K today, 17K overall. Increase count by around 30%. I wrote some screwed up stuff tonight. If it freaks me out, it’s gotta stay in for sure. I talk a little of how I feel on the story and the writing I’m doing.

Download the episode here.

NaNoWriMo 2011 003

I think I need to start recording these after I do my final writing. I wrote 2333 for the day, 7146 overall. I’m keeping over 2K, which makes me very happy. At this rate, I’ve already gained an extra day. The site still suggests I’ll be finished on the 20th, but it doesn’t know what I have planned for this weekend.

Download the episode here.