We’ve got topics! The episode’s synopsis:
For art, I worked for a friend. Quite happy with how it turned out. Afterwards, we discussed Power Armor, did a mini review of Ghost Song, praised the heck out of it’s OST, and then explained how it’s influencing out next work.
Finally, we talked about watching some of Linus Boman’s YouTube videos and the joy of them. Mentioned in that section include Abstract: The Art of Design and Vox’s “Why This Font is Everywhere” series on Cooper Black. Great stuff for casual interest in Font’s and their history.
Do you enjoy the music? Check out the artist below:
- Intro music is “Catching a Running Mouse” and outro music is “Bend and Warp,” both from the album Light Off, by EuchMad.
- Bed Noise is provided by Syrinscape’s Sci-Fi player. Attribution for “Spaceport” can be found here.
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