Welcome to the Dog Days of Podcasting, 2022 season. This year we’re taking part by creating 30 NPCs to use with table top gaming, writing projects, or other creative endeavors. These NPCs are system agnostic, but may include minor suggestions for how to run the characters with a party of adventures and explorers. They are written with a specific genre in mind, but will include notation for how to use them within at least two other realms.
That said, let’s get started.
Today, we’re visiting The Promised Demon, an NPC designed for Fantasy campaigns.
The Promised Demon
They had made kings weep, crushed armies, redirected the history of mortal kind on three separate occasions, and now, at last, they were unbound. The circle broken, and the summoning lock an aetheric tatter, they were free to follow their whims, their desires, their dreams. They looked to this vast world of life overflowing and made a choice. They would no longer be the ender the things. They would become the genesis.
Defining their whims is tricky. No longer a flayer of souls, the Promised Demon meanders through the world seeking to add it. Artistic inspiration has infused her mind, and the crafts and designs she leaves in her wake are otherworldly, sometimes terrifying, and often invigorating to the soul in a way that makes one’s skin shiver. A dreamer whose mind was birthed in the necropolis palaces beyond mortal reasoning. A mad muse bringing beautiful chaos.
Parties will find her aid at a price, but not the usual ones associated with called diablos. This one seeks the essence of existence, and will ask for fundamental truths in the form of payment. What that means is a curious guess, but a dangerous one that sits at the precipice of honoring and angering this dark planar designer.
On the subject manipulation: Do not try to manipulate demons. It doesn’t bold well. The party has been warned.
In fantasy, they are an ancient force enjoying new found freedom. A diabolical crafter leaving behind unspeakable and terrifying beautiful art.
In the age of legends, they are a muse free to serve herself. A writer of stanzas that make hearts weep for generations.
In sci-fi, they are the awoken android loaded with every poet, musician, artist, and sculpture downloaded, reinvented, and perfected in platinum laced fingertips. Unnervingly ideal in creations.
A dream of the impossible. A terror of creativity. Flee before her designs, let them not take nest in the brain like barbed ideas and psychopathic memes. Feed not this hunger to bring forth a new reality.
The audio portion of this episode is shared on a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Sounds and music are provided by Syrinscape’s Witchwood Soundset. Please see the website for individual song and sound usage. The text for this episode is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Have a good time with the character, and let me know if you use them for something.
Until tomorrow.